From: Jason W Neyers <>
To: obligations <>
Date: 02/05/2022 13:14:28 UTC
Subject: [ODG]: Joseph Raz

Dear Colleagues:


I pass along sad news from the Oxford Law Faculty:



Philosophical Disquisitions: Raz and the Argument from Authority (Part One)




Dear Colleagues and students,


With great sadness we report the passing of one of the last remaining giants of jurisprudence and philosophy, Joseph Raz, the Emeritus Professor of the Philosophy of Law at Oxford. Raz passed away in his sleep at the Charing Cross Hospital in London on the morning of 2 May 2022. Raz was a student of HLA Hart and was known for bringing not only philosophical rigour and insight into the philosophy of law but also for making decisive contributions to ethics, political theory, and the philosophy of practical reason. He trained countless students, many of whom work in philosophy and law faculties around the world. His importance as a figure in jurisprudence cannot be overstated. We will miss him. 



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